Project overview

By its own nature, marine (blue) biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field providing approaches to solve technological problems specific to dealing with marine organisms and the marine environment. 

  • 1. This project combines microbiology, biotechnology, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, biostatistics, and bioinformatics. 
  • 2. The project will provide new knowledge on biodiversity and biotechnological exploitation of microorganisms from the Sečovlje saltpans.
  • 3. Some of the identified microorganisms may be present in other salt-rich habitats, therefore broadening the impact of our results. 
  • 4. Bioprospecting will expand the knowledge about the potential of already known and eventually new microorganisms producing bioactive compounds. 
  • 5. We will advance in the biodiscovery field with new biotechnologically relevant organisms, sampling protocols, and biochemical evaluation.
  • 6. We will develop new cosmetics preprocessing and utilisation pipelines, relevant for local species with biotechnological potential.
  • 7. We will publish scientific articles in high-ranking journals and present the project in various international scientific conferences and events.
Project workflow and work packages. The involvement of each project partner is colour-coded.

The gained visibility will place the organisations involved on the map for future collaborations in the field of basic and applied marine biotechnology research. In addition, the project offers the possibility of opening new production lines participating in the cofinancing organisations or, in the long term, the establishment of new companies that can manufacture and market products developed from the expertise created during this project. Such companies will be eligible for future financing by European mechanisms such as SMEInstrument, a competitive financing scheme for finalisation of development start of marketing. In turn, this can have an impact on the regional economy and the opening of new working places and the positioning of Slovenia as one an important player in marine biotechnology in the Mediterranean: from research to production. More specifically, knowledge generated within the project could boost the development of algae cultivation ponds for halophilic organisms growing either submerged or attached, while the envisioned cosmetic formulations will expand the potential of the Sečovlje Saltworks (Soline Ltd.) to promote itself with high value-added products in cosmetics. The project will substantially contribute to the implementation of the Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy, which in its new iteration has identified marine biotechnology as an important horizontal research and innovation field. We will be one of the rare good practice examples contributing to the field of  Health-medicine (which includes cosmetics and wellbeing products and processes).

Marine biotechnology is still in its infancy and projects such as this will train a future generation of marine biotechnology experts who will be more than ever oriented towards tangible outputs. Moreover, we will provide new natural ingredients with no adverse environmental effects during their production and use(by proving their efficiency and safety of the developed prototypes – WP5). 

The project will also directly contribute to:

  • The OECD bioeconomy, which uses renewable biological resources from the sea to deliver new products.
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), specifically UN SDG 3 (Health and wellbeing), UN SDG 8 (Decent work and economic grow, UN SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), UN SDG 14 (Life below water), and UN SDG 17 (Partnerships to achieve goals).
  • The BLUEMED initiative, offering a shared strategic framework for working towards a healthy, productive and resilient Mediterranean Sea.
  • B-Blue project and the currently initialised MedIA (Mediterranean Innovation Alliance), with the aim of identifying and establishing novel value chains.
  • Blue Growth, adopted by the European Commission in 2011, states that seas and oceans have a great potential for innovation and growth.
  • Marine biotechnology is one of the strategic priorities in the upcoming UN Decade of the Ocean 2021-2030, hence, projects such as this one are also important from the viewpoint of policy makers and the general public.
  • Constant transfer of knowledge to all levels of seniority and expertise, including stakeholders from the industry and public at large.