
Invited lecture

FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, PRIMC, Gregor. Novel technology for clean water. In: UJEVIĆ ANDRIJIĆ, Željka (ed.), VIDAK, Andrej (ed.). XV. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka : Zagreb, 22. i 23. veljače 2024 = XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : book of abstracts : Zagreb, 22nd and 23rd February 2024. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa: = Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, 2024. Str. 9, ilustr. Knjiga sažetaka (Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera. Online). ISSN 2718-2177.

Conference contribution

FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Innovative technology for water decontamination. The First Slovenian-Indian Day of Science and Innovations (a pilot project), Ljubljana, February 6, 2024.

FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, KOŠIR, Tamara, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. The effect of different parameters on inactivation of viruses in water with novel plasma-supercavitation technology. V: 8th ISFEV Conference, International Society for Food and Environmental Virology : Tokyo, Japan, June 9-14, 2024. ISFEV 2024, 8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology Conference, June 9-14, 2024, Tokyo, Japan. 

Radio interview

FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee), PRIMC, Gregor (interviewee), DOLJAK, Poljanka (interviewer). Hladna plinska plazma v mehurju vodne pare ali kako uspešno inaktivirati viruse v vodi. Roma: Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, cop. 2024. (34 min, 45 sek). Hevreka.

FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). S hladno plazmo nad trdožive viruse. Ljubljana: RTV Slovenija, javni zavod, 2024. Podobe znanja.

Professional article

FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Inaktivacija virusov v vodi s hladno atmosfersko plazmo. Novice IJS. [Tiskana izd.]. sept. 2023, št. 206, str. 5-8, ilustr. ISSN 1581-2707.

Roundtable participation

KRANJC HORVAT, Anja (intervjuvanec), NOVAK, Aleš (intervjuvanec), KUZMAN, Uroš (intervjuvanec), FILIPIĆ, Arijana (intervjuvanec), RATEJ, Maja (oseba, ki intervjuva). Zabavna znanost: The Big Bang Theory po slovensko : 32. dnevi Jožefa Stefana, okrogla miza, 18. 3. 2024. Ljubljana: Arnes [distributer], 2024. 1 spletni vir (1 videodatoteka (ca. 84 min)), barve, zvok.

Original scientific article

In preparation (coming in 2025)