
Upcoming Events

Xylella fastidiosa Mini Symposium

Welcome to Marezige, the Slovenian coastal region where Adriatic sea brings warmth to olive groves and other Mediterranean crops. Join us on October 4th 2017 to hear dr. Donato Boscia of CNR – Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, Italy, share his experience with the olive quick decline outbreak, what you can do to prevent introduction of the disease and see how the disease is diagnosed.

Fascination of Plants Day

Be fascinated by plants and not just on the day of the event, held on May 19th 2017 in Ljubljana! Come and find out who are exotically named Xylella fastidiosa and Philaenus spumarius and what do they have to do with plants anyway…

Past Events

XylVec presented at the 13th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection

Principle investigator of the project gave an overview of the situation of X. fastidiosa in Europe and presented the aims of the project at the 13th biennial meeting of the Slovenian Plant Protection Society with International Participation. The meeting was held in Rimske Toplice on March 7th-8th 2017. The name Rimske Toplice means Roman Spas and comes from its famous thermal water used by the Ancient Romans, the Habsburgs and the British and Prussian heiress Victoria, who stayed at Rimske Toplice in 1879. Book of abstracts is available here.