Project phases and realisation

The overall aim of the BPAnalogues project is to investigate the adverse toxic effects of BPA analogues with the focus on their genotoxic activities and to unravel the underlying mechanisms of action. The proposed postdoctoral project will provide new and missing toxicological data of BPs that will enable a better understanding of possible adverse health effects and will contribute to the future categorisation of BPA analogues to support the safety frameworks. This is especially important to avoid hazardous chemicals being replaced by others that cause a similar concern.

Specific objectives of BPAanalogues project are:

– To determine (geno)toxic activity of selected BPA analogues that are currently representing  the most frequent human exposure;

– To elucidate and compare the mechanisms of action of BPA and its analogues;

– To perform the toxicogenomic analyses by gene expression profiling that will enable the identification of pathways affected by BPs;

– To explore (geno)toxic effects of complex mixtures of BPA and the analogues that can simultaneously occur in consumer products and environment and thus represent real human exposure scenario;

– To determine endocrine disrupting potential of bisphenols and compare their estrogenic activity to the activity of BPA.

The proposed postdoctoral project will fill the knowledge gaps on toxicological profiles of the most frequently used BPA analogues by exploring the (geno)toxic activity and the mechanisms of action of selected BPA analogues as single compounds and their mixtures, which will be studied in in vitro 3D experimental models.

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