Aims and objectives

The overall aim of the hep3DGenTox project is to develop advanced, physiologically more relevant human 3D in vitro cell models with improved hepatic characteristics and increased metabolic capacity that will better reflect in vivo conditions. The newly developed 3D cell models will represent a promising tool for generating more predictive genotoxicity data for human exposure to various compounds and therefore accelerating development of new drugs and other products with a better safety and efficacy profile.

Specific objectives of hep3DGenTox are:

  • To develop improved physiologically more relevant human 3D in vitro cell models with enhanced liver-specific functions;
  • To optimize the novel hepatic 3D in vitro cell models specifically for genotoxicity assessment relevant for regulatory purposes;
  • To validate novel hepatic 3D in vitro cell models for genotoxicity assessment by testing model genotoxic compounds;
  • To identify new and more predictive biomarkers by correlating toxicogenomic data with traditional genotoxicity endpoints;
  • To provide 3D in vitro cell models for studying long-term effects, such as responses to low-level chronic exposure.

We believe that the hep3DGenTox project is an ideal opportunity to develop advanced physiologically more relevant hepatic 3D in vitro cell models that will bridge the gap between traditional 2D cell culture models in vitro and in vivo experiments in genetic toxicology.

Fig 2