Ongoing projects
AlKoSol — Biotechnological potential of selected microorganisms from Sečovlje Saltpans for application in cosmetics products
CrayVir — Dynamics of virome composition across the expanding invasion range: a comparative study of invasive and native crayfish
FD-GAMEPLAN — Ukrepi za preprečevanje nadaljnjega širjenja zlate trsne rumenice / Measures to prevent further spread of Grapevine flavescence doree phytoplasma
FISHgrow — Resolving molecular mechanisms underlying reduced fish cell population growth upon chemical exposure
γδTcells –– Identification of gamma delta T cell fitness determinants for cancer immunotherapy by their immunoprofiling in patients with immune-mediated diseases
Greenforwaters — Green solutions for sustainable multi-use management of eutrophic waters
NaNoZymSafe — Development of novel multifunctional metal-oxide-based nanozymes and their toxicological characterisation
NextLevelDecom — Next level of water decontamination by state-of-the-art plasma-supercavitation technology
PHEW — Plant viromes’ fluxes: interconnectedness of urban environment, wild and cultivated plants
Translate — Understanding stress responses in crops using translational genomics and dynamical modelling
Finished projects
ALGE — Identifying the genetic determinants of chemical toxicity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
AureoProtect — Stress-tolerant yeast from the genus Aureobasidium: application in the biological control against certain plant pathogens
BACTO-MET — Metrology for monitoring nosocomial respiratory tract infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria
BPAnalogues — Bisphenol A and its analogues: Are BPA analogues hazardous for human health?
CANTOX — Mechanisms of potential toxicity and genotoxicity of cannabidols: relevance for the public health risk assessment
CharacTher — Development and implementation of novel approaches to solve purity and quality challenges of therapeutic viruses
Crisphy — CRISPR/CAS9-mediated targeted mutagenesis for resistance of grapevine and potato against phytoplasmas
DECIPHER — Systems biology in plants for knowledge discovery
DE-COMB — DEcay of an invasive Ctenophore blOoms as perturbation to the coastal marine MicroBial community – from molecules to ecosystems – and integrated interdisciplinary approach
DIAVIR — Diatom viruses and their role in organic matter cycling in the coastal seas
ELIXIR-SI RI-SI-2 — Cohesion Fund Project/Kohezijski projekt “Razvoj raziskovalne infrastrukture za mednarodno konkurenčnost slovenskega RRI prostora”
EMPVIR — The role of epigenetic imprinting in temporally separated multiple virus infections in plants
EvAde — Too stressed to be eaten: do temperature and pH stress enable pectinolytic bacteria to avoid bacteriophages?
genoTOX-TKI — Genotoxic potential of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors: relevance for human health hazards upon indirect exposure
GlioNicheTarget — Studying glioblastoma stem cells using transmission electron microscope
GLIOstemcell — The impact of mesenchymal stem cells on glioblastoma therapeutic resistance
GLIOVIZ — Uncovering the glioblastoma microenvironment to enhance the therapy
Hep3DGenTox — Advanced 3D cell models: Bridging the gap between in vitro and in vivo experimental systems
Hyp — Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato
INGRAPA — Molecular bases of interactions among the grapevine and phytoplasmal causing agents of the grapevine yellows diseases
iTF-Car T cells– Inducible Programming of CAR T Cell Intrinsic Properties for Cancer Immunotherapy
Met4Lab — Basis for establishment of a system for identification and exchange of metrological requirements in the field of biochemical analysis
NanoPhyto — Nanopore high-throughput sequencing for resolution of problems in plant pathogen epidemiology and diagnostics
PoDefSig — Setting up the basis for multiscale systems analysis of potato defence signalling (ProtocolsPotatoDefence)
ProRef — Supporting plant health – metrology for detection and traceable monitoring of plant pathogens
PVI-Dynamics — Unravelling dynamics of potato virus Y-plant cell interaction network
QEntry — Introduction of rapid tests to identify quarantine pests and pathogens harmful to plants | Vpeljava hitrih testov za identifikacijo karantenskih škodljivih organizmov, povzročiteljev bolezni in poškodb na rastlinah (English/Slovenian)
Redox — Deciphering redox-related signaling interconnectedness in potato resistance against viruses
RNAinVAL — Using RNAi and SysBio approaches for validation of insecticide targets in Colorado potato beetle guts
SENSORS — Unraveling mechanisms of effectiveness and specificity in potato immune signaling through innovative data acquisition and modeling
Spiny — Insights into the protein interactions involved in the Potato virus Y – potato relation
Tobamo — Discovery and water-linked epidemiology of emergent tobamoviruses infecting crops
VIROUT — Development of new, environment-friendly approaches for plant and human virus inactivation in waters
XylVec — Development of methods and procedures for the rapid detection and management of bacterial diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa and its vectors | Razvoj metod in postopkov za hitro odkrivanje in obvladovanje bolezni, ki jih povzroča Xylella fastidiosa in njenih prenašalcev (English/Slovenian)